Javascript Library and API

Should you read this? This is all about the javascript library and API. If you’re using the embedded paywall or any other client-side features, then yes, yes you should read this. If not, you don’t NEED to read it - but you might still enjoy it. I mean, people enjoy long technical documentation, right?

Configuration of the Access API Key

In order to use the Javascript library, you must have a public “Access API” key. You can create that by following these instructions. Remember to add your domain in the “Allowed Origins” field otherwise the browser security will restrict the Wallit javascript from executing. If you have multiple paywalls for different portions of your site, you will need to use the corresponding Access API Key for that paywall.

Adding the Javascript Library to Your Page

The javascript library should be added on each individual page that you want tracked and managed by Wallit. (Even if a page is not a resource you might charge for, then add the Free pricing model to it. This will make your analytics and reports the most accurate.) If you’re unsure if a page should have the Wallit javascript on it, you can contact us and we can help direct your efforts. Adding this javascript library to your pages is not necessary if you’re using server-side protection only.

Insert the script in the <head> of your page. Immediately following it, add the initialization and any other configuration options in another script block. It’s important to add these to the head element of your page. We do some asynchronous requests that should be kicked off as soon as possible. If you put this code further down in the body of the page, your user experience may suffer and the execution may not be predictable.

When using some automated tools to analyze your page speed and performance, Wallit might be the target of a negative marking. We understand - but we’re not all that evil! Every rule for performance has some exceptions, and proper protection of content using Wallit is one of them. We care about performance and keep an eye on it; we don’t want to slow down your site.

Enough of this talk! Show me the code!!

  <title>Our Website</title>
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">

The only exciting thing here is the call to wallit.paywall.init() - so we’ll talk about that next.

Javascript Library Initialization

All of the configuration options that you want to specify are passed in as a second parameter of the init() method call as a standard javascript object. For example:

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    "mobileMaxWidth": 300

Important While most of the configuration options for this paywall can be specified in the Manage UI, any options sent using the configuration parameter override them. This is cool for you, dear developer - but don’t forget about any people in your company that might be making changes to the Manage UI, and expecting things to change in the paywall. If you override them with the code, they might not get their desired results. Because of this, we suggest applying your changes to the paywall settings in the Manage UI solely - unless it’s absolutely necessary to override them in the code.

So, let’s take a look at all the key/value pairs of this configuration object!

Javascript Library Initialization Options

The following section illustrates the options to the javascript configuration object for the second parameter of the init() method call.

init() Method Object Properties

The external key or resource key used to identify this resource in Wallit.

  • Requirements
  • <= 50 characters

  • allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -

  • Default Value
  • The right-most 50 characters of the current URL. Non-supported characters will be replaced with a dash (-).
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    resourceKey: '52458' // perhaps the internal ID of your content

The full URL for this resource.

  • Requirements
  • RFC 1738 valid full URL

  • Default Value
  • The current URL
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    resourceURL: ''

The type of paywall to display at desktop resolutions, basically sizes larger than the mobileMaxWidth

  • Requirements
  • Must be exactly one of the three available values.

  • Possible Values
  • Modal
  • Redirect
  • Embedded
  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    desktopPaywallType: 'Redirect'

The type of paywall to display at mobile resolutions, basically sizes smaller and equal to mobileMaxWidth

  • Requirements
  • Must be exactly one of the three available values.

  • Possible Values
  • Modal
  • Redirect
  • Embedded
  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    mobilePaywallType: 'Redirect'

Resolutions in pixels less than or equal to this will be considered mobile.

  • Requirements
  • Positive integer

  • Do not include px suffix

  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    mobileMaxWidth: 450

The URL that the user will be redirected to if they close a paywall of type Modal or Redirect

  • Requirements
  • RFC 1738 valid full URL

  • Default Value
  • The previous page in their browser's history.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    closeURL: ''

This function is called when the user is granted access to the current resource. See the resourceAccessData object for details about the incoming object properties.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(resourceAccessData)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    // update our custom text box with the reason information
    accessGranted: function(resourceAccessData) {
        var text = '';
        switch (resourceAccessData.AccessReason) {
          case 'Quota':
            var used = resourceAccessData.Quota.HitCount,
                allowed = resourceAccessData.Quota.AllowedHits;
            text = 'You have viewed ' + used + ' of your ' + allowed + ' pages.';
          case 'Subscription':
            text = 'Your subscription expires on ' + resourceAccessData.ExpirationDate + '.';
          case 'Purchase':
            text = 'You purchased unlimited access to this page.';
          case 'Free':
            text = 'This page is available for free.'
          case 'PropertyUser':
            text = 'You are an admin, manager, or guest of this property.'
        document.querySelector('#iMonezaAccess').textContent = text;

This function is called when the user is denied access to the current resource. See the resourceAccessData object for details about the incoming object properties.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(resourceAccessData)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    // Update a message with a friendly message.
    accessDenied: function(resourceAccessData) {
        var salutation = resourceAccessData.IsAnonymousUser ? 'friend' : resourceAccessData.FirstName;
        var text = 'Hello ' + salutation + '! It looks like you don't have access to this page. ';
            text += 'Never fear! We have some great subscription and purchase options available.';
        document.querySelector('#friendlyUpsellIndication').textContent = text;

This function returns a full URL that points to this resource. This is used when redirection occurs (to return a user to a resource after purchase).

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function()

  • Default Value
  • The current URL using `document.URL`
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    // Update a message with a friendly message.
    getOriginalURL: function() {
        // return the URL, but make the page scroll to the success message ID/anchor
        return document.URL + '#successMessage';

An object that contains settings for the adblock detection service.

  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in Manage UI for this paywall.

An object that contains settings for the embedded paywall.

  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in Manage UI for this paywall.

An object that contains settings for the embedded success message.

  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in Manage UI for this paywall.

An object that contains settings for the modal paywall display.

  • Requirements
  • Please see the modalFrame object below.

Below, you’ll find the details for each key that contained an object for its configuration.

embeddedAdBlockerDetection Object

The CSS selector of an element to place the AdBlocker title and message.

  • Requirements
  • A valid CSS selector

  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        element: '#customAdBlockerMessageBox'

If you do not use the custom element property, use this to specify a different CSS zIndex for the element Wallit uses.

  • Requirements
  • Integer

  • Default Value
  • 200100
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        zIndex: 300

When the Ad Blocker action is set to ‘Show Warning’, this function executes allowing you to customize the user experience. Instead of the Wallit dialog box, you can control your own.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(title, message)

  • Default Value
  • Wallit executes an internal function to bind the message to the `element` option.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        openWarning: function(title, message) {
            document.querySelector('#adblockerWarningTitle').textContent = title;
            document.querySelector('#adblockerWarningFullMessage').textContent = message;

When using openWarning, this function is used to remove your custom data or close the dialog.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function()

  • Default Value
  • Wallit executes an internal function to remove the warning.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        closeWarning: function() {
            document.querySelector('#adblockerWarningTitle').textContent = '';
            document.querySelector('#adblockerWarningFullMessage').textContent = '';

When the Ad Blocker action is set to ‘Require Disable’, this function executes allowing you to customize the user experience. Instead of the Wallit dialog box, you can control your own.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(title, message)

  • Default Value
  • Wallit executes an internal function to bind the message to the `element` option.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        openDialog: function(title, message) {
            document.querySelector('#adblockerMessageTitle').textContent = title;
            document.querySelector('#adblockerMessageFullMessage').textContent = message;

When using openDialog, this function is used to remove your custom data or close the dialog.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function()

  • Default Value
  • Wallit executes an internal function to remove the dialog.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        closeDialog: function(title, message) {
            document.querySelector('#adblockerMessageTitle').textContent = '';
            document.querySelector('#adblockerMessageFullMessage').textContent = '';

When the Ad Blocker action is set to Show Warning, this function executes after the warning has opened, assuming you haven’t overridden openWarning

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(title, message)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        onWarningOpened: function(title, message) {
            // send an event to Google Analytics (ga)
            ga('send', 'event', 'Paywall', 'AdBlockerWarning', 'displayed');

When the Ad Blocker action is set to Show Warning, this function executes if the user closes the warning, assuming you haven’t overridden openWarning or closeWarning

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function()

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        onWarningClosed: function() {
            // send an event to Google Analytics (ga)
            ga('send', 'event', 'Paywall', 'AdBlockerWarning', 'closed');

When the Ad Blocker action is set to ‘Require Disable’, this function executes after the dialog has opened, assuming you haven’t overridden openDialog

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(title, message)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        onDialogOpened: function(title, message) {
            // send an event to Google Analytics (ga)
            ga('send', 'event', 'Paywall', 'AdBlockerWarning', 'displayed');

When the Ad Blocker action is set to ‘Require Disable’, this function executes if the user closes the dialog, assuming you haven’t overridden openDialog or closeDialog

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function()

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedAdBlockerDetection: {
        onWarningClosed: function() {
            // send an event to Google Analytics (ga)
            ga('send', 'event', 'Paywall', 'AdBlockerWarning', 'closed');

embeddedPaywall Object

A CSS selector that should contain the embedded paywall. This is most likely the same place where the majority of your content resides.

  • Requirements
  • A valid CSS selector

  • Default Value
  • The setting specified in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
        // an article tag inside of an element with the ID of 'main'
        element: '#main article' 

A configuration object that defines values for the fade/cover effect for the paywall.

A configuration object that defines values for the container display of the paywall.

This function is executed after the embedded paywall has opened on the page.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(url, isAdSupported, adSupportedTitle, adSupportedMessage)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
         * @param {string} url The URL the embedded paywall is opening in the iFrame
         * @param {boolean} isAdSupported whether the current resource is part of a ad-supported pricing group
         * @param {string} adSupportedTitle the title of the message if {isAdSupported} is true
         * @param {string} adSupportedMessage the message if {isAdSupported} is true
        onOpened: function(url, isAdSupported, adSupportedTitle, adSupportedMessage) {
            console.log('The URL that was just requested is ', url);
            if (isAdSupported) {
                console.log('Is ad supported.');
                console.log(adSupportedTitle, adSupportedMessage);
            else {
                console.log('Not ad supported.');

This function executes when the iFrame adjusts its height based on the content loaded inside of it. You may want to use this callback if your page design is not responding properly to these size changes.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(heightData)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
         * @param {object} heightData An object that contains height measurements of the current iframe's box model
        onHeightUpdated: function(heightData) {
            console.log('clientHeight', heightData.clientHeight);
            console.log('offsetHeight', heightData.offsetHeight);
            console.log('scrollHeight', heightData.scrollHeight);
embeddedPaywall.cover Object

The base hex HTML color of the element that covers up the protected content.

  • Requirements
  • valid HTML hex color including #

  • Default Value
  • The Background Color setting in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
        cover: {
            backgroundColor: '#336699'

This indicates how much of the visible content will be displayed. Basically, after this value, the embedded paywall begins. Keep in mind, though, that the cover will fade this content, but it will still be visible to some extent. This number represents pixels or percent, depending on the setting of embeddedPaywall.cover.visibleHeightMode

  • Requirements
  • positive integer if indicating pixels

  • positive float if indicating percent

  • Default Value
  • The Visible Height value in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
        cover: {
            visibleHeight: 300,
            visibleHeightMode: 'Pixels'

This is the unit of the embeddedPaywall.cover.visibleHeightMode value.

  • Requirements
  • Must be exactly one of the two available values.

  • Possible Values
  • Pixels
  • Percent
  • Default Value
  • The Visible Height Mode value in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
        cover: {
            visibleHeight: 21.5,
            visibleHeightMode: 'Percent'

This is the CSS z-index value that is applied to the content covering object.

  • Requirements
  • Integer

  • Default Value
  • The Z-Index value under the Cover section in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
        cover: {
            zIndex: 300000
embeddedPaywall.frame Object

This is the CSS z-index value that is applied to the embedded paywall’s iframe wrapper.

  • Requirements
  • Integer

  • Default Value
  • The Z-Index value under the Frame section in the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedPaywall: {
        frame: {
            zIndex: 300001

embeddedConfirmation Object

The CSS selector of an element to place the confirmation or success title and message. This is used when a visitor has been granted access to a resource after previously seeing a paywall.

  • Requirements
  • A valid CSS selector

  • Default Value
  • The element specified in the Embedded Confirmation section of the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedConfirmation: {
        element: '#successMessage'

This is the CSS z-index value that is applied to the embedded confirmation object. If you have control of your own CSS for your embeddedConfirmation.element object, you may not need to use this.

  • Requirements
  • Integer

  • Default Value
  • The Z-Index field value in the Embedded Confirmation section of Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedConfirmation: {
        zIndex: 400

This function is called after the embedded confirmation has been displayed to the user, assuming a valid selector is used for the element.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(title, message)

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedConfirmation: {
        onOpened: function(title, message) {
            // perhaps send an event to your Google Analytics
            ga('send', 'event', 'Paywall', 'Purchase', 'completed');

This function is called after the embedded confirmation has been closed, assuming a valid selector is used for the element.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function()

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    embeddedConfirmation: {
        onClosed: function() {
            // perhaps scroll the user to the beginning of the content
            window.location.href = '#begin-reading';

modalFrame Object

This is the CSS z-index value that is applied to the modal paywall’s wrapper.

  • Requirements
  • Integer

  • Default Value
  • The Z-Index field of the Modal Placement section of the Manage UI for this paywall.
wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    modalFrame: {
        zIndex: 300001

resourceAccessData Object

This object contains the information about the grant or deny request as it pertains to this resource and this user. This is an incoming parameter to some functions above.

Key Name Type Description
UserToken String Used internally by Wallit.
PropertyName String The internal name of merchant Property.
ResourceName String The internal name of this resource.
FirstName String If authenticated, the user’s first name
IsAnonymousUser Boolean Whether the current user is anonymous (true) or authenticated (false).
WalletBalance Decimal (USD) Current user’s account balance.
PictureURL String If user signed in with social media link, the URL to their profile picture.
Quota Object Meter details, see object below.
Subscription Object Subscription details, see object below.
Purchase Object Purchase details, see object below.
AccessReason String A value that indicates the reason why the user has access. See possible values and descriptions.
AccessActionURL String The URL that the iframe or paywall is loading.
AdBlockerStatus String Indicates what Wallit has determined about any potential ad-blockers on this page. See possible values and descriptions
IsNoCost Boolean A true value means that no payment is required (pricing model could be free, price could be $0.00, or content is ad-supported).
IsAdSupported Boolean A true value means that this resource is Ad Supported.
AdSupportedMessageTitle String The message title that is meant to be displayed if this ad-supported content detects ads are being blocked.
AdSupportedMessage String The message title that is meant to be displayed if this ad-supported content detects ads are being blocked.
resourceAccessData.Quota Object

This object contains information about the current meter or quota of views.

Key Name Type Description
IsEnabled Boolean The property wide setting of whether metering is enabled or not.
HitCount Integer The number of quota-enabled resources this specific user has visited.
AllowedHits Integer The maximum number of free quota-enabled resources per user, per period.
PeriodStartDate String Datetime ISO 8601 The beginning of the period for this quota or meter.
IsMet Boolean Will be true when the quota is met.
resourceAccessData.Subscription Object

This object represents a current subscription that may be applicable to access to this resource. Even if the subscription is expired, but previously would have allowed access, it will be defined here.

Key Name Type Description
IsExpired Boolean This indicates whether the current subscription access is expired or not.
ExpirationDate String Datetime ISO 8601 End date of current subscription.
IsCurrent Boolean Whether the current subscription is valid or not, if so, resource access is granted.
SubscriptionGroupID GUID The unique identifier of this subscription.
resourceAccessData.Purchase Object

This object contains the details about the current purchase of this content, if applicable.

Key Name Type Description
IsPurchased Boolean Indicates if this particular was purchased. (This means the user has made a micro-payment at some time to access this content.
resourceAccessData.AccessReason Values
Value Description
Deny Access not granted.
Quota Access granted, quota not reached.
Subscription Access granted, valid subscription.
Purchase Access granted due to the completion of a purchase.
Free Access granted for free resource.
PropertyUser Access granted when an authenticated user’s role is Property Guest.
AdSupported Access granted by ad-supported resource with no ad-blocker detected.
resourceAccessData.AdBlockerStatus Values
Value Description
AdBlockerDetected Wallit has detected an ad-blocker
AdBlockerNotDetected This user is not usin gan ad-blocker, or this particular ad-blocker is not detected by Wallit.
Unknown An error may have occurred during the ad-blocker detection process.

Javascript Library User Log out

The logOut() method will log out the current user. During this process, a redirect will be issued in the browser to finish the log out procedure. After this, the user will be redirected back to the page that the logOut() method was called.

logOut() Top Level Method Signature

This method logs the user out of Wallit.

  • Requirements
  • function signature: function(url)

 * @param {string} url The URL to redirect the user to after log out, otherwise current page.

Frequently Asked Questions / Scenarios

This section features examples based on some of the Frequently Asked Questions when integrating the Javascript Library.

My Site Uses Pagination For Long Articles

Perhaps your site uses pagination for long articles. You do not want to create separate resources for each page. Instead, you can override the resourceKey on each page to be the shared one.

Imagine you have the following pages:

You’ll want to make a resourceKey of just the main part of the URL.

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    resourceKey: '/news/long-article'

You can also create a function that returns a string. Imagine the format is the same as above, where the pagination is the last section of the string.

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    resourceKey: function() {
        var urlParts = window.location.pathname.split('/');
        var newUrl = urlParts.join('/');
        return newUrl.substr(newUrl.length - 50);

I Need to Replace My Content on Access Granted With the Full Content

If you’re using a system where your site sends a preview of the content to the browser, but not the entire thing, you will need to load the entire content using an AJAX request. In this case, we’re using jQuery to save some time with the ajax requests. The article HTML element holds our content to be replaced.

wallit.paywall.init('b865156f-9e0d-48b6-a2a0-097456f689ec', {
    accessGranted: function(data) {
        $.get('/ajax/load-article?id=12345', function(data) {

What’s Next?

Front-end javascript is all great! But c’mon, let’s give it a rest. A REST. Get it?

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